I Remember When with Milton Rendell

Do you remember when you use to play in the street as a kid, barefoot and not a care in the world?

Though maybe that is why lots of us have terrible cracked feet today.

I was having that discussion with a client the other day, talking about how kids used to be out all day running around and doing their thing, instead of being in front of a phone or computer screen.

Maybe I am getting long in the tooth but I think people used to walk down the street and actually said good morning or hello as they walked past, not have things plugged in their ears and looking at something in their hands.

I think communication has changed in a pretty negative direction, but my kids will tell me I am being old fashioned.

Getting back to the bare feet, I can’t recall too many mates wearing shoes too often except when we played footy.

We would all run around on the bitumen roads with the old blue metal sticking out, it certainly wasn’t that comfortable but we would have a kick or play a test match on the street or verge or wherever we could.

Recently I caught up with someone in the course of my duties as a real estate agent who went to Guildford Primary with me.

It was nice to catch up and share a few stories about whom we had seen in the last forty and talk about all the years since we were at the school.

Gillian bought out an old school photo she had of her 1970 Year 7 class and we went through what we knew of each of the people in the photo.

What was funny and as I said to her, look at all the boys in the front row, not one them had shoes on, no Nikes or flash boots as you see today.

Mind you, there were no earrings or multi coloured hair in those days, we were pretty boring way back then.

As we talked about the different things we did at the school, it was an interesting reminder of how much things have changed.

Does anyone remember playing chasey at lunch time, or kingy in the white squares painted on the bitumen play grounds?

We also used to play on the small oval, kicking a footy in winter and cricket in the summer and the girls used to play elastics.

I was told the other day by a school teacher that many schools have a no run policy and none of these activities are allowed.

Thanks again for allowing me to share my memories and hopefully stimulate a few for you.

I guess in forty years kids will be talking about how big the iPhones used to be, who knows.

If you have any memories like mine, email memories@realestateplus.com.au.









– Milton Rendell, chief executive officer

Remember When
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I Remember When with Milton Rendell