I Remember When with Milton Rendell

Do you remember when as a kid you would go looking for tadpoles?

We had a couple of spots, the main one being on Allpike Street in Guildford where there was an old open drain that used to flood up. This was near the East Guildford train station on the Guildford Grammar side. John, Peter and I would go on our adventure to this flooded area which would get pretty wet in one particular area.

There was one spot that was a perfect place for frogs to bred I guess and where there were heaps of taddies every year. We would be there in the freezing cold standing ankle to knee deep in water catching these tadpoles in our hands.

I would get a bit excited and remember falling over a couple of times getting pretty wet but didn’t halt the chase. Poor taddies didn’t stand a chance. I think John was the most cunning one of the three of us in catching them, I was probably the keenest and Peter was jar man waiting for our catches.

We got smart one day and used bread to lure these guys out as the taddies would hide in the grass and weeds. It was quite an adventure. I remember cutting my foot when I trod on a broken bottle, as you did in those days and quite regularly.

That’s what happens with bare feet. My assessment was ok, it was a clean cut as I was in water and kept going. Fortunately though it was only a nick and yes I got in trouble when I got home and showed Mum.

No apps in those days, just clean fun outside in the rain doing what boys do

– Milton Rendell, CEO – Real Estate Plus Group

Remember When
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I Remember When with Milton Rendell